The Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium

Global forests under pressure: impacts on economy and climate

November 14, 2023, 09.00-12.30 CET

Welcome to the Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium

The 2023 Marcus Wallenberg Prize is awarded to Drs Darius Adams, Joseph Buongiorno, and Richard Haynes for their original and groundbreaking development of the forest sector economic models TAMM and PAPYRUS and its extension to the global forest products model GFPM. Their work laid the foundation for the development of global forest sector modelling and numerous national and regional forest sector models from the 1980s and onwards.

Very welcome!

Marcus Wallenberg,
Chairman of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation

Event details

Date: November 14, 2023, at 09.00-12.30 CEST

The digital symposium attendance is free of charge and open for everyone.

Registration to be made by November 13, 2023.

A recording of the symposium will be distributed to registered persons after the event.

The Marcus Wallenberg Prize

The purpose of the Prize is to recognize, encourage and stimulate pathbreaking scientific achievements which contribute significantly to broadening knowledge and to technical development within the fields of importance to forestry and forest industries.
Learn more:

Prof. Darius Adams,
USA, co-recipient of the 2023 Marcus Wallenberg Prize, Oregon State University

Prof. Joseph Buongiorno,
USA, co-recipient of the 2023 Marcus Wallenberg Prize, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Richard W. Haynes,
USA, co-recipient of the 2023 Marcus Wallenberg Prize, US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR, USA.



Opening and Welcome by Chairman Marcus Wallenberg

9:05 – 9:40
Global modeling to project wood production and prices: Implications of climate change

Laureate Joseph Buongiorno

9:45 – 10:05
Does the European forest industry have a future?
Prof Gert-Jan Nabuurs
10:10 – 10.30
Lacking a holistic, dynamic systems view for policy analysis
Prof Sten B Nilsson
10:30 – 10:35
Announcement of 3-MT winner from the YR
10:35 – 11:30
Break and Young Researchers poster session
11:30 – 12:20
Panel: How to utilize the Forest Sector Models in a broad context: for analysis of conflicting topics

Gert-Jan Nabuurs, Moderator
Jussi Kumpula, Managing Director, Metsähallitus
Elisabet Salander Björklund, MWF board
Maximilian Schulte, Young Researcher program, PhD student SLU
Liisa Rohweder, WWF Finland
12:20 – 12:30
Closing remarks

For more information

Shiva Telavari, Coordinator of the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation
Mail: Tel: +46 72 572 58 50.